Convert Tezos
Convert Tezos (XTZ) to any other cryptocurrency or fiat currency. Current market cap of XTZ is 897,481,051.00 USD and the trading volume for last 24 hours is 6,319,338.30 USD. Total supply of Tezos is capped at 791,436,369 and currently 662,470,291 Tezoss (XTZ) are in circulation.
Currently, 1 XTZ is worth 0.00025599 BTC and 1.3547491308 USD. The price of Tezos has decreased by -0.29% in the last 1 hour, increased by 3.95% in the last 24 hours and has increased by 38.05%. in last 7 days. You can use the Tezos converter to convert XTZ to any of the 500+ crypto and fiat currencies.