Convert Pundi X

(Only Numbers and Decimals)

Convert Pundi X (NPXS) to any other cryptocurrency or fiat currency. Current market cap of NPXS is 134,699,342.00 USD and the trading volume for last 24 hours is 3,655,172.59 USD. Total supply of Pundi X is capped at 274,555,193,861 and currently 194,603,096,088 Pundi Xs (NPXS) are in circulation.

Currently, 1 NPXS is worth 0.00000013 BTC and 0.0006921747 USD. The price of Pundi X has decreased by -1.35% in the last 1 hour, decreased by -2.39% in the last 24 hours and has decreased by -0.96%. in last 7 days. You can use the Pundi X converter to convert NPXS to any of the 500+ crypto and fiat currencies.